
Turns out, sailing provides some good analogies for life. Well, my life anyway. If you want to sail somewhere, you can’t always aim directly at it. Depending on how the wind is blowing, you may have to sail in another direction until you can turn and head for your destination. This will likely need to be repeated several times. And in order to take the best advantage of the wind, you have to adjust your sails. It may be a small adjustment, or it may be large. You watch, you evaluate, and you adjust as needed. Just like life…..

In my late 30s I found myself divorced with a kid in elementary school. I was lost. I no longer knew who I was or what I wanted my life to be like. I searched for years, tried out various interests and skills, but nothing ever really stuck.

In my mid-40s I began to get some direction. Realizing that I hate to be cold, and struggle to get through grey, short winter days, I knew I needed to live somewhere sunny and warm and on the ocean. As I began to work towards that goal, it refined. I want to be living on board a sailboat, cruising through warm tropical places, exploring what is out there and experiencing everything that I can.

And I want to share this adventure with someone. Well, not just someone, but my soul mate. After makin the move to the beach, I realize that I can either hang out here until he arrives, or I can go ahead, buy my own boat, and begin living on board and sailing.

People say I am brave and courageous. For getting rid of almost all my belongings, quitting my job, and moving 800 miles in my car and not knowing where I would live. For wanting to buy a boat and learn to sail her and maintain her. For going after the life of my dreams. Funny thing is, I don’t feel brave and courageous.

Scared and overwhelmed is more like it! And also, guided. I am doing what I have to do to honor my heart and soul. Anything less leaves me feeling very sad. I am a big believer in following the guidance of my heart, in focusing on big dreams, and in taking the next step toward it. And when things aren’t going they way I thought they should, I am learning to adjust my sails.

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